Inspired for Change

Excellent Testimonials for Effective Hypnotherapy Treatments & Programmes
Treatments for Fears, Phobias, Addictions, Anxiety & Stress
Quit Smoking, Lose Weight Programmes and Confidence Coaching
Sara Howard, LLB(Hons) AdvDip THP, GHR SQHP, MAC, MISMA
Registered Advanced Hypno-Psychotherapist & Lifestyle Coach
Consultations in Aston Clinton, Kings Langley & Wheatley – Tel: 07827 505389
Be Inspired for Change, offers 1-1 Sessions, Video link and Group Coaching


Inspired for Change

Excellent Testimonials for Clinical Hypnotherapy  & Wellbeing Programmes
Affordable Solution Focused Therapy Available via Video Link
Treatments for Fears, Phobias, Addictions, Anxiety and Stress
Consultations in Aston Clinton, Kings Langley, Wheatley – Tel 07827 505389
Be Inspired for Change is Available 1-1, or on Skype, Zoom & WhatsApp
Contact: Sara Howard, LLB(Hons) AdvDip THP, GHR SQHP, MAC, MISMA
Registered Advanced Hypno-psychotherapist, Professional Coach
Stress Management Consultant, Supervisor and Trainer.


Inspired for Change

Excellent Testimonials for Hypnotherapy Treatments & Wellbeing Coaching
Treatments for Fears, Phobias, Addictions, Anxiety & Stress
Stop Smoking, Confidence Coaching and Weight Management Programmes
Sara Howard, LLB(Hons) AdvDip THP, GHR SQHP, MAC, MISMA
Registered Advanced Hypno-psychotherapist & Executive Coach
Consultations in Aston Clinton, Kings Langley, Wheatley. Tel- 07827 505389
Be Inspired for Change, sessions available on Skype, Zoom or Phone
Registered Supervisor & Professional Trainer


About Sara

Sara Howard
Sara Howard

Sara Howard

Sara Howard, LLB(Hons) AdvDip THP, GHR SQHP, MAC, MISMA

Advanced Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Registered Coach, Supervisor & Trainer

A warm welcome! Please see my excellent testimonials on website, Google and Linkedin

I provide professional clinical treatments and programmes

Over 25 years combined experience as a clinician and trainer

Thousands of hours in successful practice

Working with both private individuals and companies  

With my vast experience and training I can work towards the best results for my clients using an integrative skill set and a solution focused approach. I also draw upon my other training and popular therapies such as RECBT (rational emotive Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), perspectives from positive psychology and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) of which I am a registered practitioner.

It is important for clients to feel confident in their choice of therapist or coach. I have the highest level qualifications gained over several years training.

My Advanced Qualifications and Full Membership Registrations

  • AdvDip THP – Advanced Diploma in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
  • GHR SQHP Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice
  • GHR GHSC Registered and Acknowledged 1-1 Supervisor Status
  • ISMA – International Stress Management Association Registered Consultant
  • MAC – Association for Coaching, Registered Executive Coach
  • CRSST – Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists – Registered Consultant
  • INLPTA – Registered Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • UNIVERSITY – Graduate in Law, and Postgraduate in Psychology

Example Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Treatments

  • Weight Management Hypnotherapy Programmes
  • Anxiety and Stress Management Programmes
  • Burnout (stress) Recovery Programmes,
  • Quit Smoking Hypnosis – Habit Cessation (Gambling, Alcohol)
  • Phobia Treatments, (fear of needles, fear of flying, fear of spiders, fear of lifts)
  • Depression, Insomnia and ‘Sleep Better’ Programmes
  • Anxiety, Trauma and Resolution (ie. divorce, redundancy, bereavement)
  • Anxiety & IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Social Anxiety, Confidence and Public Speaking
  • Progressive Relaxation Techniques and Pain Management
  • Mindfulness and Deep Relaxation Therapy for Wellbeing

If you are interested in Coaching, I have extensive training and experience in both solution-focused, narrative and NLP Coaching which enables me to support my clients through transitional periods.

Example Coaching Programmes

  • Improve Confidence and Self Esteem
  • Build Emotional Intelligence & Successful Relationships
  • Manage Workplace and Executive Stress
  • Wellness, Recovery and Resilience
  • Structured Career Transition and Career Development
  • Improve Sports Performance and Confidence

FREE  CONSULTATION  – I offer a no-obligation free telephone consultation to enable you to discuss your situation, understand more about the treatment or coaching process and decide whether you wish to proceed.  Warm regards, Sara

Tel – 07827 505389.   


Peace of mind is knowing you can trust your practitioner



HYPNO-PSYCHOTHERAPY  can help to bring about positive change and a new direction. People often describe a belief of being held back by unwanted psychological thoughts and feelings and the behaviours this can lead to such as unwanted fears and phobias. Psychotherapy can help a person to understand the cause behind these unwanted thoughts and feelings. Through discussion and analysis, psychotherapy can help to change negative patterns of behaviour to more enabling new patterns. Hypnotherapy and NLP are part of the enabling tools to this process in helping to guide you towards your desired outcome.

Hypno-psychotherapy and NLP, through the processes of reframing, suggestion and visualisation can help to increase motivation levels as a person experiences the feeling of freedom in finding a new way forward. For example, some people describe the experience of unwanted daily anxiety, created by the replay of their internal inner voice as critic, replaying unwanted past scenarios, and forecasting the future situations. If we experience frustration, upset or anger, this can have a negative impact on our confidence and self esteem through the wider transference into our communication and the behaviours we exhibit to others.

Please see the list of Treatments where hypnosis, psychotherapy and NLP may help you.   IMPORTANT MESSAGE – Complementary therapies such as hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and NLP can work well with conventional medical treatments; however, they are not a substitute for medical treatment and we are required to state that if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition, or suspect you have a medical condition, you should consult your General Practitioner before commencing any form of alternative therapy treatment.



HYPNOTHERAPY is a peaceful and safe process. During your hypnotherapy session you will experience a relaxed and pleasant state of being. People often speak of feeling a real calm during the process and afterwards, a sense of empowerment. Many people find hypnotherapy a highly effective treatment for a variety of emotional or anxiety-related issues such as stress, fears, phobias, panic attacks and many more. Hypnotherapy has been described by many of my clients as life changing because it can allow you to deal with whatever issues may be blocking your progress and to make beneficial new changes – in other words, to build on your strengths, and to go forward with confidence. During your treatment you will be awake and aware of everything that’s going on. Hypnosis involves an altered state of awareness, called trance. Trance is a normal process. In our everyday lives, we utilise a number of different trance states while we remain awake. For example, you may notice this when you are a passenger in a car, or on a long train journey. Trance can take you inward to a particular memory. Now you understand the link between hypnosis and the trance. It is during such a trance state, that the hypnotherapist works with the client to gain agreement between their conscious and unconscious mind, and to enable beneficial change.

Hypnotherapy is a pleasant experience and the process involves suggestion and agreement, often through utilising metaphor. The object in gaining agreement is to facilitate change in current limiting patterns of thinking and behaviour, and to suggest new ideas that will empower you towards specific changes you want to make.

Please contact Sara Howard for further information – Tel 07827 505389



NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING  – I can benefit my clients through offering NLP (where appropriate) in conjunction with Hypnotherapy. The two work very well together and strengthen the process of beneficial new change. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed by studying and modelling the strategies of successful people, including Milton Erickson, a doctor who understood how language influences mental states. NLP creates states that are useful in situations where motivation and goals are sought, such as in personal development, in business related issues or sports performance. NLP is also highly successful in curing fears and phobias, which can limit a person’s potential and lower confidence.

What you will gain from Hypnosis and NLP 
Your session will include instruction in how to achieve self-hypnosis which will let you have the control to strengthen and to set up states to achieve positive outcomes in specific situations. You will feel more enabled, at peace with yourself and more creative. Self-hypnosis can be used for power-napping states and business people or parents with hectic schedules find this a useful tool as it enables them to feel refreshed for their coming meetings or to calm down and avoid stress during the rush of the day. For example, sports competitors or those preparing for exams, find self-hypnosis useful in maintaining calm states of being before the event.

Comfortable clinics with light and spacious rooms in the best locations for your privacy and peace of mind.



COACHING can help You to reach your full potential. A Coach can offer a supportive environment in which to help you to make beneficial changes and plan realistic new goals. A Coach offers a Client a supportive and motivating environment in which to allow the Client to explore new ideas and new ways forward through realistic task setting in a framework which allows the client to be motivated and committed towards their desired goals. Some of the areas Coaching can help you with include:

* Change Negative Dynamics and Improve Motivation
* Create Your Health & Wellbeing, Plan
* Improve Your Work/Life Balance
* Manage Career Development and Transition
* Improve Sports Performance focus and Concentration
* Confidence Public Speaking, & Communication Skills

Coaching can therefore be highly beneficial for many areas of well being, including personal development or change. Do you want a better focus and calm control of your life? Coaching is about using your resources and helping you to develop your strengths and can provide impetus in having someone to talk to and as a reliable means to help you to maintain your motivation. My typical client coaching situations include young people starting their careers, sports people wanting to improve performance, to executives needing to balance change.

Perhaps you would like help in making a major change in your life, changes such as career development, public speaking appointments, competitive sports performance, or  an emotional change in your life.

Contact  Sara Howard for more information – Tel 07827 505389

1000s of Hours in Successful Practice

1000s of Hours in Successful Practice

Many success stories working with people from all walks of life in clinical practice and coaching.

Senior Level Practitioner

Senior Level Practitioner

Over 25 years in coaching and clinical practice. The strictest confidentiality is assured.


“I visited Sara recently for two Hypnotherapy sessions. In the first instance, during a fifteen minute phone interview, I found her to be very patient and helpful focusing on how she could best help me. During the sessions again she was very patient and understanding and demonstrated a wealth of experience. The meditations I undertook with her were powerful and have helped me immensely. I certainly would recommend her.”

Online Linkedin Review – Destination Source, Kings Langley

Online Linkedin Review

“Strongly recommend. I had been suffering serious morning anxiety and sickness for years and had tried everything but still couldn’t manage. I was sceptical at first as hypnotherapy sounds mythical to me but I can honestly say after my very first session with Sara I noticed a large improvement and my sickness was gone. Now that my 3 sessions are completed I have a new plan in place and my anxiety and sickness hasn’t been present since. A seriously life changing experience and I will be visiting Sara again to help overcome my fears of flying and presentations in the future! Seems a lot of money at first but it’s so worth it in the end! “

Online google review destination source – Kings Langley Clinic, Herts

Online Google Review – Testimonial

“With Sara’s help, I have managed to overcome many demons, she is a great hypnotherapist!
Not only did she help me over come social anxiety in public speaking and performing but I also used to be addicted to chocolate and all things sweet and although she was only hypnotising me to eat it in moderation, it worked so well and I left feeling so empowered that I have not eaten anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, desserts, biscuits, cake, etc) at all in almost 4 years! Wow! “

Online google review destination source – Aston Clinton Clinic

Online Google Review – Testimonial

“Sara is so professional and so calm, she is very welcoming and warm.
I found the treatment to be manageable and she was encouraging at all times.
Once my course had finished I felt as though I was walking on air and just blissfully happy. Not only has Sara treated my anxiety of spiders, she has also helped to calm me down in every day life.
She has given me the tools I need and I continue to work on these. “

Online google review destination source – Aston Clinton Clinic

Online Google Review

A Fear of Falling can occur in many different situations. The following testimonial is about a Fear of Falling when horseriding.

“I had four sessions with Sara Howard, I emerged calm and relaxed. it was fantastic.” …”And the one thing I was clear about was that I really did want to get on …. I wanted to enjoy myself!”   The writer describes the successful process I used combining NLP, hypnotherapy and coaching techniques. Article link attached with kind permission of Kat Brown.

Fixing the fear of flying (off the damn horse)

Stop Fear of Falling (horseriding). Sara Howard in the media.

The following testimonial is about recognising and managing stress…. “Sara helped me to eliminate stress and to distance myself from negative situations. She taught me the impact of stress and how to recognise it for myself. The result is that I’ve stopped my obsessive worrying and panic attacks. Sara has not only helped me to eradicate unnecessary stress but also to think more clearly and logically. Her manner was always very positive, gentle and kind. She has literally changed my life. I have recommended her to others, without any hesitation.” Ms L, Bucks.

Managing Stress

“Sara, thank you so much for all your help. I came to you with low moods and no self esteem. You were honest with me before and throughout my treatment sessions….. Your holistic approach to my problems using hypnotherapy, NLP and psychotherapy helped me to become stronger and the self healing occurred in a way that made me grasp life again and rebuild my self confidence. I have recommended you to my friends and my family doctor has been very impressed with the results”. Ms J, Herts.

Rebuilding Confidence and Self Esteem

I had an unwanted habit addiction to gambling. Sara has helped me enormously and successfully.  I wasn’t proud of my situation as it had harmed my life. She has helped me to stop my unwanted habit and to build up my motivation. I was very impressed because Sara worked at the right pace with me, knowing I was in a bad emotional place.  I  felt safe with her and appreciate  that she isn’t one of these therapists who wants us to publish our experiences .  Sara respects confidentiality which is extremely important to me.  Mr E.  Hertfordshire.

Unwanted Habit Addiction Gambling – Review Source Kings Langley

Unwanted habit addiction Gambling

“I had a severe Blushing Anxiety. Every time I had an important meeting or presentation, I used to feel a hot flush coming rising up inside me and knew I had gone bright red and sweaty. It looked like I couldn’t cope to my boss. Sara was positive and in helping me to recall and recognise the event from my past that was still driving this symptom, I was able to let go and to move forward. The power of hypnosis and Sara’s motivation has helped me to gain real confidence and get promotion.” Ms D. Bucks

Blushing Anxiety – Testimonial

Testimonial for Stop Nail Biting.  “I found the sessions very helpful. I had been “my nails for 10 years and had tried to stop before with no luck. I am very pleased with the results and completely stopped biting my nails. Many thanks to Sara!” Mr B, Herts

Stop Nail Biting

Phobia Anxiety Testimonial. “I was terrified of having my hospital MRI scans. I have enjoyed the meetings and feel more confident in coping with problems. The sessions were carried out in pleasant surroundings and in an enjoyable manner. I would certainly recommend Sara. ” Mr D. Herts

Phobia Anxiety

Stop Unwanted Habit Testimonial. “I visited Sara for 2 hypnotherapy sessions to address a lifelong skin picking habit. The treatment has been a complete success, and I was most impressed by Sara’s responsible, professional approach. I cannot recommend her highly enough.” Miss A. London

Stop Unwanted Habit

Stop Blushing & Improve Public Speaking Testimonial. “I’ve found my sessions very effective, detailed and specific and I felt that every bit of time we had was used efficiently and that we got a lot done. I also liked Sara’s approach as she uses logic and is very grounded when talking about problems. Her treatments worked and I have not blushed since. Thank you sincerely for all your help, the work you did has been a great success and I am very grateful. I have recommended you to others. Miss R. Bucks.

Blushing & Public Speaking

Testimonial – Phobia Fear of Needles. “Meeting Sara has been a life changing experience for me and I have a new found confidence.  I’d had a fear of needles since childhood, and discovered with Sara that it was connected to traumatic experiences I had forgotten. Previous hypnotherapy had failed. Sara had the patience and calm to help me to overcome past and present issues that were holding me back… “. Ms R. Bucks

Phobia Fear of Needles

Stop Fear of Flying Testimonial. “Sara, Many thanks for all your help. It definitely made a big difference . It was great to be able to travel to the airport and to get on the flight with no twisty stomach nerves. Thank you so much , it made a real difference to the holiday!”  Ms H. Herts

Fear of Flying

Testimonial of Success, “Sara has literally changed my life and helped me to help myself in a very gentle and positive manner. I have without hesitation also recommended Sara to a number of friends too.  I’d enlisted Sara’s help when panic attacks were taking over my life both socially and professionally. It quickly became apparent that I had an enormous amount of stress to deal with and it was this that was aiding my panic attacks. I’d never actually realised this. Sara helped me to eliminate stress, where possible, and to distance myself from certain situations, teaching me the impact of stress. She also helped me to overcome my obsessive worrying. . ” Ms S. London

Panic Attacks

Testimonial for Stop Fear of Flying. “Initially I was skeptical about the whole process and I wasn’t sure if it would work. But after having only a couple of sessions with Sara, I feel a lot better about my situation, and am completely shocked by how much of a positive impact it has had. I would recommend anyone to give it a go, and try it out.”  Mr W. Oxford.

Anxiety – Stop Fear of Flying

Weight Management Programme testimonial. “Just to take a moment to send Sara a note of real gratitude. When we started I was skeptical about the process and sincerely doubted whether it would be a success. Whilst one part of me wanted to believe that this would be the answer to all my problems with regard to weight maintenance the other part of me (as a seasoned dieter) strongly doubted any such success. The sessions were pain-free, worry-free and slowly but surely their powerful effect kicked-in. I can hardly believe it; I cannot remember ever feeling like that. Thank you seems inadequate but I say it most sincerely….” (This client undertook my three session weight management programme). Mr O. Bucks

Weight Management Programme

Lose Weight Hypnosis Testimonial. “Sara helped me work through some emotions from the past, which I had not realised triggered the comfort eating. For the first time in a while I feel myself again, my friends and family say I have a bounce in my step, which comes from the confidence of losing weight and feeling and looking good!…. In brief, I had a problem with my weight and had reached a stage in my life where I was not happy, my self esteem was low from a recent break up and I sought comfort in food, as I’d always done. I wanted to regain control in my life but needed some guidance and contacted Sara helped me to change my old habits. I have come to terms with the past.” Ms S. London

Lose Weight Hypnosis

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Testimonial. “I can honestly say that I’ve not looked back since I found that I’d developed the resolve to quit on the spot. From not knowing what to expect, I found the session, enlightening, relaxing and a pleasant experience. My wife still cannot believe that I haven’t smoked since. I would most definitely recommend Sara Howard – money well spent.”  Thank you Sara. Mr. B. Oxford.

Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Important Information

HYPNOSIS is recognised by leading institutions including the British Medical Association (BMA) and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) as a proven safe method that can alleviate a range of different problems. ​Please note complementary therapies such as psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and NLP can work with conventional medical treatments, however, they are not a substitute for medical treatment and therefore if you currently have any medical concerns you should consult your doctor.

DISCLAIMER – Please note that Testimonials are provided for you to view results from hypnotherapy NLP and coaching, however, any claims on this website are peoples own personal experiences. Since results may vary from person to person Sara is unable to offer guarantees of success. If you are interested in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP or coaching, Sara offers a free telephone consultation of up to 20 minutes to help you to determine for yourself whether therapy or coaching may be beneficial for you.

PRIVACY – This website contains information voluntarily provided by visitors. You do not have to submit personal details and information to use the website. Information is collected through the Contact Us Form. This information may include such details as name, email address, telephone numbers. Sensitive information is not requested. The information you volunteer is never shared with any other organisation or persons. Full details of Privacy Policy can be found under Consultations.


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Are you looking to make beneficial changes in your life? Perhaps you want to improve your career prospects, or develop a better sense of work/life balance and wellbeing.

If you consider that something is holding you back, Coaching can help.

A Coach can offer a supportive environment in which to help you to make those changes and plan realistic new goals. The job of a Coach is to provide the Client with a supportive environment in which to explore new ideas and new ways forward. This is achieved through realistic task setting in a framework promoting your motivation and commitment towards your chosen, desired goals.

Some of the areas Coaching can help you with include:

* Change Negative Dynamics and Improve Motivation
* Create Your Health & Wellbeing Plan
* Improve Your Work/Life Balance
* Manage Career Development and Transition
* Improve Sports Performance focus and Concentration
* Confidence Public Speaking, & Communication Skills

Coaching can therefore be highly beneficial for many areas of wellbeing, including personal development or change.

Do you want a better focus and calm control of your life? Coaching is about using your resources and helping you to develop your strengths and it can provide impetus in having someone to talk to and as a reliable means to help you to maintain your motivation. My typical client coaching situations include young people starting their careers, sports people wanting to improve performance, to executives needing to balance change.

Perhaps you would like help in making a major change in your life? changes such as career development, major public speaking appointments, competitive sports performance, or an emotional change in your life.

Contact Sara Howard for more information – Tel 07827 505389